Paper No :-2 The Neo- Classical Literature
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Name :- Megha B Trivedi
Course :- M.A. English
Sem :- 1
Batch :- 2016-2018
Roll No :- 25
Enrolment No :- PG 2069108420170030
Submitted to :- Smt.S.B.Gardi Dept. Of English MKBU
Email Id :-
Paper No :-2 The Neo- Classical Literature
Topic :- Robinson Crosoe – Themes and Symbols
Introduction of Daniel Defoe :-

Daniel Defoe was born in 1660, London, England and died on 24 April 1731 in London, England . His real name is Foe and pscudo name is Defoe. He was an English trader, writer, journalist and pamphleteer. He was educated at the Rev. His school name is Pixham Lane in Dorking, Surrey. Than he studied Academy at Newington Green.
After completed his study he joined business in 1683 as a general merchant. He married with Mary Tuffley. He leave the business in 1703.
He was always been interested in politic that's why he starts writing and in 1683 publidhed his first political pamphlet. He continued to write political works as a journalist also. At that time King William and queen Anne Were reign.
In the year 1719, Defoe tarts write a literature and published first Robinson Crusoe in 1719, a fiction novel. The Father adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1719), memoris of cavalier (1720), Roxana (1724). He wrote Non- fiction and Essays etc. He was very well known novelist. Than again he starts writing on politics and morality.
Introduction of Robinson Crusoe :-
Full Title :-
“ The life and strange surprising, adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: who lived eight and Twenty years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great River of Oroonoque; having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself with an account how he was at last as strangely delivered by pyrites.”

Robinson Crusoe is a merchant's son. His father's wish that he study law, but he expresses his wish to go to sea instead. He don't study law and go to the sea. His first voyage is good but his second voyage does not prove as fortunate. Crusoe sold by other people.
After some time he found him self on one island . He finds many valley and that thing. He feel that like “ King” and he starts live with parrot, dog, goat etc. He developed many skills and made wonderful things with the help of sea items. He spent many years on the Island.
One day Crusoe discover a man's footprint and think about devil but then he knows about Cannibals and fight with them and in bettwen his pet died at that time Crusoe feeled sad and we find the concept of humanity. But Crusoe saved one cannibals and Crusoe gave his name “ Friday” . Both are living together. After some time Friday learend English language and he speek first word “ Master”. Both are good friends . Both fight with other Cannibals at the end Friday died and Crusoe return to England and meet his widow friend.
Critical view of Robinson Crusoe :-
In Robinson Crusoe , Defoe criticizes morally and politically corrupt England. Like Jonathan Swift's Gulliver Travels. Defoe himself declared that this book is an allegory of his own life. Defoe created utopian enviroment, without any real public society. He shows the good relationship of human and nature. Defoe gave the important of humanity. Crusoe learned many thinks from nature and become real humanbeing.
Themes :
(1) The Ambivalence of mastery
In the charcter of Crusoe we find ambivalence of mastery. He became a good master when he overcoming his all obstacles, and good adjustment with nature it shows positivity of his mastership. He leaved on island happly, but when he meet Friday at that time Crusoe feels himself as a “king” or “ Master” because master word is very complex. He behave with Friday as a master and Friday was a slave. So at that time superiority comes.
(2) Necessity of Repentance
Robinson Crusoe is not only an adventure story but also a moral tale. The concept of repentance is a Christian. We find in “ Dr. Faustus” by Marlow and in “ Paredies lost” by Milton. In the Robinson Crusoe, the main hero Crusoe disobey his father wishes and when he is shipwrecked on the island he think that it is a punishment of God because he think about “ Original Sin” he disobey his father and God also, and that's why he belives more in God and specially in christianity and he try to convert Friday to christianity.
(3) Importance of Self-awareness
Crusoe is very aware about his work, because we see that Crusoe is very conscious for his work because on the Island consciousness is very important. We find that how Crusoe made note for his day-to-day activity and he had calendar also, he controlled many animals and insect and always aware from the cannibals. Many wiled animals also there so, with the help of self- awareness Crusoe teaches nature and his own self also.
(4) Relationship with nature
Crusoe lived with nature like forest and sea, many insect and animal. He made many things with the use of natural elements like house, umbrella etc. We find that Crosoe became a part of his Island, he respect nature and nature around Crusoe throughout novel. It helps for Crusoe's moral and emotional growth.
(5) Colonialism
During 18th century many countries were the grip under the England and the novel touched this time so colonialism is the main concept of this novel. Friday is the colonized people, colonized people are working or lower class people they lived like slave. In this novel the relation of Friday and Crusoe is “Master-Slave”. For ex- 'True story' by Mark Twain.
(6) Overcoming fear
Every human have fear for one or another thing. In this novel we see that many time Crusoe try to overcoming his fear, first he enter Island at that time he was so fearful, he sleeps with many weapon. Than he see the footprint at that time he fear for devil but it's Cannibal's footprint, than he meet cannibal and fight and overcome his fear and Friday became a good friend and that's things create a happy life of Crusoe on the Island.
(7) Adventure
This novel is Adventures novel, and Defoe presents his adventures experience in the character of Crusoe. Crusoe's life is full of adventures.Defoe can not live normal life in England. Crusoe joined voyages and he lived in several ships, many countries and Island. He lived with nature and storm. So it's shows that life is our adventures-journey, not only Crusoe but for every human beings.
(8) Loneliness vs solitude
Crusoe is very alone on the Island. He feels loneliness but his loneliness is became very helpful for his solitude on the island because far away from the England he know his real life, soul that's why Theologian Paul Tillich said “ Language has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone, and the word solitude to express the glory of being alone.”
(9) Self reliance
Self reliance is very important for every human. We find that thing in Crusoe's life. He is very self reliance, he mange every things without any help, not depended on any other and live free.
(10) Freedom and slavery
In the main two characters Friday and Crusoe, Friday as a slave and Crusoe as a master. When novel start at that time Crusoe feel free but than he starts voyage and he came on Island he start to find freedom because he trap in sea , struggle for food, home, water and safety of his life and fear of Cannibals so he continuously struggles for freedom, and slavery we see in the Cannibals life.
(11) Importance of Religion
Crusoe believed in Christian religion. He always pray to God and read Bible and when he meet Friday at that time he also teaches some Christian doctrines. And Water, Cross, Bible are symbols used in it. Defoe himself was very religious. In the hard time when he lived on the Island at that time he don't forget the God.
(12) Alienation and isolation
Alienation is central theme of the novel, because Crusoe faraway from his home for many years.He also remembered his widow friend also.
(13) Subaltern
Subaltern is critical theory and post colonialism. Subaltern is the social, political group, geographically outside people or group. In this novel cannibal is subaltern group of the society.
Symbols :-
(1) The Footprint
Footprint is very important symbol, which was discoverd on Island by Crusoe, in the chapter . When he see Fooeprint first he thought about devil means negative than he knows about cannibals on Island, and he starts finding cannibals because he want to companionship with him.

(2) Cross
Cross is symbol of Christianity, in this novel time and again Crusoe represents this symbol. First on the sea side and than pet died at that time on the tomb. Cross is symbol of new life.
(3) Crusoe's Bower
On the Island Crusoe find one beautifull valley and he decides to build a “Bower” there. Bower means bedroom. It shows the important of home also.He made just for shelter but Bower protect him in storm and rain .
(4) The Bible
In the Robinson Crusoe Defoe shows the many Religion aspects like Bible. It shows the interest in Christianity. It's moral and Spiritual idea.
(5) The Island
Island is very symbolic represent. In Crusoe's life he spent most of the year on Island. Island played very vital role in Crusoe's life. He developed his life and knows himself very well. Because he lived alone on the Island in natural atmosphere.
(6) Water
Water is very important in Christianity, they used water for baptism. In this novel Crusoe used water so it's shows christianity.
Conclusion :-
Defoe's first novel is very important and good in the literature filed. This novel is his biographical novel. So , all themes and symbols are very important to understand novel.
Reference :-
Quote from study guide
class note
Name :- Megha B Trivedi
Course :- M.A. English
Sem :- 1
Batch :- 2016-2018
Roll No :- 25
Enrolment No :- PG 2069108420170030
Submitted to :- Smt.S.B.Gardi Dept. Of English MKBU
Email Id :-
Paper No :-2 The Neo- Classical Literature
Topic :- Robinson Crosoe – Themes and Symbols
Introduction of Daniel Defoe :-
Daniel Defoe was born in 1660, London, England and died on 24 April 1731 in London, England . His real name is Foe and pscudo name is Defoe. He was an English trader, writer, journalist and pamphleteer. He was educated at the Rev. His school name is Pixham Lane in Dorking, Surrey. Than he studied Academy at Newington Green.
After completed his study he joined business in 1683 as a general merchant. He married with Mary Tuffley. He leave the business in 1703.
He was always been interested in politic that's why he starts writing and in 1683 publidhed his first political pamphlet. He continued to write political works as a journalist also. At that time King William and queen Anne Were reign.
In the year 1719, Defoe tarts write a literature and published first Robinson Crusoe in 1719, a fiction novel. The Father adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1719), memoris of cavalier (1720), Roxana (1724). He wrote Non- fiction and Essays etc. He was very well known novelist. Than again he starts writing on politics and morality.
Introduction of Robinson Crusoe :-
Full Title :-
“ The life and strange surprising, adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: who lived eight and Twenty years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great River of Oroonoque; having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself with an account how he was at last as strangely delivered by pyrites.”
Robinson Crusoe is a merchant's son. His father's wish that he study law, but he expresses his wish to go to sea instead. He don't study law and go to the sea. His first voyage is good but his second voyage does not prove as fortunate. Crusoe sold by other people.
After some time he found him self on one island . He finds many valley and that thing. He feel that like “ King” and he starts live with parrot, dog, goat etc. He developed many skills and made wonderful things with the help of sea items. He spent many years on the Island.
One day Crusoe discover a man's footprint and think about devil but then he knows about Cannibals and fight with them and in bettwen his pet died at that time Crusoe feeled sad and we find the concept of humanity. But Crusoe saved one cannibals and Crusoe gave his name “ Friday” . Both are living together. After some time Friday learend English language and he speek first word “ Master”. Both are good friends . Both fight with other Cannibals at the end Friday died and Crusoe return to England and meet his widow friend.
In Robinson Crusoe , Defoe criticizes morally and politically corrupt England. Like Jonathan Swift's Gulliver Travels. Defoe himself declared that this book is an allegory of his own life. Defoe created utopian enviroment, without any real public society. He shows the good relationship of human and nature. Defoe gave the important of humanity. Crusoe learned many thinks from nature and become real humanbeing.
Themes :
(1) The Ambivalence of mastery
In the charcter of Crusoe we find ambivalence of mastery. He became a good master when he overcoming his all obstacles, and good adjustment with nature it shows positivity of his mastership. He leaved on island happly, but when he meet Friday at that time Crusoe feels himself as a “king” or “ Master” because master word is very complex. He behave with Friday as a master and Friday was a slave. So at that time superiority comes.
(2) Necessity of Repentance
Robinson Crusoe is not only an adventure story but also a moral tale. The concept of repentance is a Christian. We find in “ Dr. Faustus” by Marlow and in “ Paredies lost” by Milton. In the Robinson Crusoe, the main hero Crusoe disobey his father wishes and when he is shipwrecked on the island he think that it is a punishment of God because he think about “ Original Sin” he disobey his father and God also, and that's why he belives more in God and specially in christianity and he try to convert Friday to christianity.
(3) Importance of Self-awareness
Crusoe is very aware about his work, because we see that Crusoe is very conscious for his work because on the Island consciousness is very important. We find that how Crusoe made note for his day-to-day activity and he had calendar also, he controlled many animals and insect and always aware from the cannibals. Many wiled animals also there so, with the help of self- awareness Crusoe teaches nature and his own self also.
(4) Relationship with nature
Crusoe lived with nature like forest and sea, many insect and animal. He made many things with the use of natural elements like house, umbrella etc. We find that Crosoe became a part of his Island, he respect nature and nature around Crusoe throughout novel. It helps for Crusoe's moral and emotional growth.
(5) Colonialism
During 18th century many countries were the grip under the England and the novel touched this time so colonialism is the main concept of this novel. Friday is the colonized people, colonized people are working or lower class people they lived like slave. In this novel the relation of Friday and Crusoe is “Master-Slave”. For ex- 'True story' by Mark Twain.
(6) Overcoming fear
Every human have fear for one or another thing. In this novel we see that many time Crusoe try to overcoming his fear, first he enter Island at that time he was so fearful, he sleeps with many weapon. Than he see the footprint at that time he fear for devil but it's Cannibal's footprint, than he meet cannibal and fight and overcome his fear and Friday became a good friend and that's things create a happy life of Crusoe on the Island.
(7) Adventure
This novel is Adventures novel, and Defoe presents his adventures experience in the character of Crusoe. Crusoe's life is full of adventures.Defoe can not live normal life in England. Crusoe joined voyages and he lived in several ships, many countries and Island. He lived with nature and storm. So it's shows that life is our adventures-journey, not only Crusoe but for every human beings.
(8) Loneliness vs solitude
Crusoe is very alone on the Island. He feels loneliness but his loneliness is became very helpful for his solitude on the island because far away from the England he know his real life, soul that's why Theologian Paul Tillich said “ Language has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone, and the word solitude to express the glory of being alone.”
(9) Self reliance
Self reliance is very important for every human. We find that thing in Crusoe's life. He is very self reliance, he mange every things without any help, not depended on any other and live free.
(10) Freedom and slavery
In the main two characters Friday and Crusoe, Friday as a slave and Crusoe as a master. When novel start at that time Crusoe feel free but than he starts voyage and he came on Island he start to find freedom because he trap in sea , struggle for food, home, water and safety of his life and fear of Cannibals so he continuously struggles for freedom, and slavery we see in the Cannibals life.
(11) Importance of Religion
Crusoe believed in Christian religion. He always pray to God and read Bible and when he meet Friday at that time he also teaches some Christian doctrines. And Water, Cross, Bible are symbols used in it. Defoe himself was very religious. In the hard time when he lived on the Island at that time he don't forget the God.
(12) Alienation and isolation
Alienation is central theme of the novel, because Crusoe faraway from his home for many years.He also remembered his widow friend also.
(13) Subaltern
Subaltern is critical theory and post colonialism. Subaltern is the social, political group, geographically outside people or group. In this novel cannibal is subaltern group of the society.
Symbols :-
(1) The Footprint
Footprint is very important symbol, which was discoverd on Island by Crusoe, in the chapter . When he see Fooeprint first he thought about devil means negative than he knows about cannibals on Island, and he starts finding cannibals because he want to companionship with him.
(2) Cross
Cross is symbol of Christianity, in this novel time and again Crusoe represents this symbol. First on the sea side and than pet died at that time on the tomb. Cross is symbol of new life.
(3) Crusoe's Bower
On the Island Crusoe find one beautifull valley and he decides to build a “Bower” there. Bower means bedroom. It shows the important of home also.He made just for shelter but Bower protect him in storm and rain .
(4) The Bible
In the Robinson Crusoe Defoe shows the many Religion aspects like Bible. It shows the interest in Christianity. It's moral and Spiritual idea.
(5) The Island
Island is very symbolic represent. In Crusoe's life he spent most of the year on Island. Island played very vital role in Crusoe's life. He developed his life and knows himself very well. Because he lived alone on the Island in natural atmosphere.
(6) Water
Water is very important in Christianity, they used water for baptism. In this novel Crusoe used water so it's shows christianity.
Conclusion :-
Defoe's first novel is very important and good in the literature filed. This novel is his biographical novel. So , all themes and symbols are very important to understand novel.
Reference :-
Quote from study guide
class note
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