Paper No - 6 Victorian Literatuer

Paper no – 6 Victorian Literature
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Name – Megha B Trivedi
Course – M.A. English
Sem – 2
Beatch – 2016 -2018
Roll No – 18
Enorlment No – 2069108420170030
Submitted to – Smt. S. B. Gardi Dept. Of English MKBU
 Topic -
Social and Literary characteristic and The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and The Oxford Movement in Victorian age.
Introduction of the age
Image result for Images of Victorian age      The time of the Victorian age is 1837 to 1901, and the Queen Victoria was ruled in England. The Victorian age is one of the most remarkable periods in the history of England. At that time there were few colonial wars during this period but they did not have any adverse effects on the national life. The Victorian era was a peaceful reign. All the English people safe in their island. They made remarkable progress in the field of Industrial, commercial , literature, and in social life also. This age made progress in the field of poetry, prose, and fiction. In this age workers problems were there because rise of the industrialism and materialism. This age is also known as ‘ The Age of Compromise’ and William. J. Long in his book writes for this age is ‘ The Modern Period Of Progress and Unrest ‘.
Social characteristics
( 1 ) Industrial Revolution
            The Industrial Revolution gave the birth of the Industrialization and the materialism. Many mills and factories were established, and that’s why the rich class of the mill- owner or the owner of the factory and the capitalist; on the other side it brought class of laborers and factory workers. Social unrest was there during that time. Many good writers like Charles Dickens , Ruskin, Thomas Carlyle and Mathew Arnold they wrote well on this subject like industrialism and the social problems also.
For Example :- Oliver Twist : The Parish Boy’s Progress
                                                    By -  Charles Dickens
Image result for images of oliver twist               In the Oliver Twist , Dickens portrayed the real picture of the Victorian age that how a little  orphan boy became child labour and he continuously tried to run away. Many evil characters are there like Fagin , Bill Sikes and others. And with the help of this novel we easily imagine the condition of the Victorian era. Many bad things we find in the novel like the Orphan house, Work house, Industrialism,  Child labour, Pickpocketing, prostitution etc. Dickens shows the TWO LONDON and the very famous dialogue of this novel is that “ I want some more” said Oliver. It’s reflect that people can’t had their primary needs also.  In this age class system were there, because industrialism and materialism became burden on middle class or lower class people, and but the upper class or rich class people would stay happily .
( 2 ) Birth of Social Reform
             The unhappy and terrible conditions of laboures, miners, debtors and prisoners caught attention in the eyes of social reformers. As a result , there was the birth of Reform Bills which arouse the democratic consciousness among the Victorian people.
( 3 ) The New Education
              Many education act passed in this age. People started the reading and that’s why form of novel developed a lot. And the press had a good power and that’s why printing and paper became cheap.
( 4 ) Scientific developments
              In this age there was an extraordinary scientific development . It was a period of scientific thinking. Drawin’s Origin of Species is one of the best example of the scientific  and the revolutionary work of the age , though many people still governed by religious . There was a noticeable disagreement between religion and science, and between moralist and scientist.
( 5 ) Intellectual development
             In the Victorian age many new ideas and the various socio - political theories and the various intellectual activates were developed. The first photographs were taken in the 1830s and very first electric train was invented by a German in 1879.
( 6 ) Domestic life
               In this era authority was important. In the house parents had authority over the children, and women were regarded as a inferior to men, even education was forbidden for most of the women. Women were used only for household activates .  Victorians had only interest in material, power, politics, authority they did not care of culture.
Literary Characteristics
( 1 ) Morality
                 The Victorian literatuaer was marked by a deep moral note. The Victorian literature also motivated by a definite moral purpose. Tennyson, Browning, Carlyle, and Ruskin were the best examples because they were interested in spreading their message and moral philosophy to their countrymen. They were teachers of England.
( 2 ) The age of Prose and  Novel
             W.J. Long says in his book History of English Literatuer, “ Though the age produced many poets, nevertheless this is traditionally an age of Prose and novel. The novel in this age fills a place which the drama held in the days of Elizabeth; and never before, in any age, or language, has the novel appeared in such numbers and in such perfection.” Many great novelist  like Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, William Thackeray, George Eliot, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte , Anne Bronte, George Meredith and George Borrow etc. So , in this age we find so many novels , and it’s became a good for English literature.
( 3 ) Revolt
              During this time the human revolution theory was proved by Darwin.Here Revolt is against the Materialistic trends. In Victorian age many people did that specially writers and the Pre- Raphaelite poets. They showed through their writings and works. Like Rossetti and William Morris.
( 4 ) Realism
            The literature of this age is the literature of realism , because the literature is mirror of society , that’s why during this age also literature reflects the problems of their own age. There for the literature of Victorian age is the literature of realism rather than of romance.
Important movement of the Victorian Age
1)   Pre – Raphaelite Brotherhood
2)   Aesthetic Pre – Raphaelitism
3)   The Oxford Movement
1) Pre – Raphaelite Brotherhood
Ø  Raphel
      The name ‘ Pre – Raphaelite ‘ refers to the Reanaissance painter Raphel ( 1483 – 1520 ) who was described as the Zenith of artistic achivments in their lessons at the Royal Academy.
Ø Pre – Raphaelite Brotherhood
        The Pre – Raphaelite Brotherhood later known as the Pre – Raphaelite.  Pre Raphaelite was a group of English painters, Poets and Critics. It was founded in John Millais’s Parents’s house on Gower Street, London in 1848. In the first meeting, the painters John Everett Millais, Dante Gabrial Rossetti and William Holman Hunt were present. Hunt and Millais were student of at the Royal Academy of Arts. This three founder were joind by William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Thomas Woolner to form the seven member “ Brotherhood”. It was a movement for regeneration of painting on the models of the early Italian painters.  They believed  in simplicity, originality and natural grace.  They break the stereotypes and try to give something new and related to freedom. The Germ was a periodical , in which they promote their ideas. This era is in the real sense “ Progressive”. This is the best movement because it’s shows the people ‘s reaction that , they know the reality of industrialism. This is the real education and new education and with the help of this education try to stop wars.

Ø Associated artists, painters and critic
John Brett, Ford Madox Brown, Lucy Madox Brown, Fanny Cornforth, Marry Macomber, Annie Miller, John Ruskin, Henry Wallis, George Price Boyce, Gustav Pope and many others.

Ø Pre – Raphaelites painter’s painting names
Christ in the House of His Parents, by John Everett Millais
Ophelia, by John Everett Millais
Medea, by Evelyn De Morgan
The Death of King Arthur, by James Archer
Fair Rosamund, by Arthur Hughes
Proserpine by Rossetti
The Awakening Conscience , by William Holman Hunt
Image result for Images of Pre - Raphaelite paintings Image result for Images of Pre - Raphaelite paintingsImage result for Images of Pre - Raphaelite paintings
Ø Pre – Raphaelite Poetry
     In this age Pre – Raphaelite poetry also wrote well. D.G. Rossetti, William Morris, A.C. Swinburne they all wrote poetry . The form of poetry is Art for art sake. It was against conventionality of poetry and turn to the old medievalism. Many Pictorial artist were there. They influenced by romantic revival. Example of poetry like ‘ The Blessed Damozel’, ‘ Sister Helen’, ‘A Last Confession’ by Rossetti. ‘ Earthly Paradise ‘ by William Morris, ‘ The Garden Of Proserpine’ by Swinburne.

Ø Pre – Raphaelite Women

      Women are central figures in Pre – Raphaelite art and this has given the concept of “ Pre – Raphaelite Women”. Many women made a beautiful pictures , with deep understanding. For example 1) Elizabeth Siddal , she known for her self portrait, 2) Annie Miller 3) Effie Millais , “ The Eve of st. Agnes’ 5) Fanny Conforth 6) Georiana Burne – Jones 7) Maria Zambaco 8) Jane Morris 9) Alexa Wilding

( 2 ) Aesthetic Pre – Raphaelitism

         Second stage of the Pre – Raphaelite movement known as a Aesthetic Pre – Raphaeliteism   movement. In this various things produced like paintings ,  poetry and many other art. This form is most connected with poetry, and had a good influences on literature also.

( 3 )  Oxford Movement

        It was a movement in the 19th century , and the moment origin in 1830s by John Henry Newman. It was a church movement of Catholic against the scientific development. They wanted to reinstatement of some older Christian traditions of faith and their religion. This movement associated with Oxford university that’s why known as a Oxford movement. The movement’s philosophy was known as Tractraianism and after its publications, the Tracts for the Times, published for 1833 to 1841.


           The Victorian age became a remarkable age in the history of English literature. Various type of literature flourished in this age , and industrialization also came and many people try to controlled also.

The History of English Literature By  W .J. Long
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